The L’ifestyle Lounge – Bergen County’s Self-Care Center

Bergen County’s Haven: The L’ifestyle Lounge

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It is with great warmth and joy to introduce you to Laura Cipullo Whole Nutrition’s latest labor of love – the L’ifestyle Lounge in Closter, NJ.

It is has been a dream to create a safe place to breathe, move and just be for both children and adults – free from judgment whether it be about body size or shape; free from diet talk and detoxes and free from sensory overload while being filled with wellness modalities that encompass the whole person – mind, body and spirit. Well, this is the beginning. As of January 1st, 2017 the L’ifestyle Lounge will open it’s doors to all.

Services will include:

Yoga, Mindfulness and Nutrition Counseling

  • For children and teens with developmental delays
  • For tweens and teens wanting to develop a healthy relationship with food and body
  • For individuals with different body types and fear of moving in their own skin
  • For moms and their tots ready to build the foundation for little yogis
  • For fifty and up to move with their bodies – not against.
  • For those who just want to rock on their mat, sweat and glow!
  • For those needing a safe space to just be.


Staff will include registered dietitians, specializing in the prevention and treatment of eating disorders as well as nutrition and mindfulness for individuals living with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, diabetes and family nutrition. Yoga and mindfulness staff will include registered yoga teachers (RYT 200 to 500) and mindfulness experts.

Below is a list of classes offered starting January 16th. Book your class or your child’s class now – and get a start on the new year with new intentions.


For Kids and Adults:


For children and teens with developmental delays wanting a safe, inclusive place to just be. This is a class to learn mindfulness, yoga poses and develop a sense of self worth. Please email to determine which Foundations class best meets you or your child’s needs. Foundations offers 3 levels of class depending on age and individual needs: Just Me, 5 Senses, Self Care.

*8 week or *16 weeks

EmpowHER 11- 14

For tweens and teens wanting to develop a healthy relationship with food and body. This class is a moving meditation on the yoga mat while teaching girls to accept their mind/body and honor its’ cue’s off the mat. Two sessions will include mindful eating and nutrition by a Laura Cipullo Whole Nutrition and L’ifestyle Lounge Registered Dietitian. Think compassion and kindness!

*8 weeks or *16 weeks

EmpowHER 15- 18

Empower yourselves now. Learn to develop a healthy relationship with food and body. This class is a moving mediation on the yoga mat while teaching adolescents to accept their mind/body and honor its’ cue’s off the mat. Two sessions will include mindful eating and nutrition by a Laura Cipullo Whole Nutrition and L’ifestyle Lounge Registered Dietitian. Think compassion and kindness!

*8 weeks or *16 weeks

Wise Warriors 8-11

Yoga for boys! Build confidence and learn the best tool in life – your breath. Boys will learn yoga basics while gaining strength of the mind and body. Each class will consist of poses and of mindfulness. Like a reed, each individual needs to be grounded yet flexible with whatever the winds blows in. Build resilience.

*8 weeks or *16 weeks

Wise Warriors 12-16

Learn to ground yourself, but then be flexible. Wise Warriors teaches older boys to root down so that they may rise up in this world with self-confidence, and self-acceptance. This is the no judgment zone. Leave bias at the door and come with an open mind. There will be a cardio element to class.

*8 weeks or * 16 weeks


For individuals with larger body types and or a fear of moving in your own skin. This is the perfect class if you fear the gym and or have never experienced yoga on or off the mat. Come with a compassionate mind and get ready to find your pride. This is the beginning of self-care.

*8 weeks or *16 weeks

Little Gods and Goddesses (ages 2-4 and 5-7)

For moms and their tots ready to build a foundation for little yogis to love their bodies, move with bodies and of course breathe with their bellies.

*8 weeks or *16 weeks

Aging Gracefully

For fifty and up to move with their bodies – not against. Gentle yoga with progressive relaxation to ease your worries. Inhale peace and exhale stress. Wear comfy clothes and bring a mat.

*8 weeks or *16 weeks


Rock, Sweat and Glow

Rock on your mat, sweat and glow! This is the hip, happening yoga class the beats to best tunes to achieve your health goals. This vinyasa class will have you breathe and bend to build internal heat. Melt away your worries, and inspire your dreams while you find your path in this moving mediation. You will leave happy and one step closer to your own nirvana. Open to all levels.

Breathe and Bend /Ashtanga Inspired
Inhale and exhale. Open and close. Bind your breath with your body. This class will teach how to yoga on your mat and off your mat. This is an ashtanga inspired class that will build strength, energy and a sense of compassion. Open to all levels.



Reserve a cushion and just chill out. Join our 30 – 45 minute mindfulness meditations. Mindfulness can decrease your counter regulatory hormones such as cortisol and epinephrine. Turn off the outside world and tune in to your breath. This is about you and you only.

Letting Go

Let go of your stress – envision your worries on a leaf, floating down the river. Close your eyes and inhale inner peace, because this is what this session will do for you. This is you practicing self-care!

5 Senses

Whether you are eating, walking, loving or working, learn to make it a mindful experience. Each session will engage your senses whether it is sight, smell, sound, touch, or taste. Close your eyes and be in the moment. Just be in our safe space for self-care.


Compassion and kindness will change your life and the lives of those around you. Let our facilitator walk you through a breathing exercise, guided imagery and even silence. This time is meant for you to unwind, and get a sense of clarity so that you can leave your cushion fresh and ready to embrace each moment of the day.



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