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The Turkey Trot Deserves Your Thanksgiving Attention
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A Healthy Thanksgiving Meal
Tips to A Moderate and Mindful Thanksgiving Meal
by Laura Cipullo, RD
- Focus on what you can have: It’s not about what you can’t have. Instead focus on what you can have. Identify what you really want to eat and then eat it. It’s not cheating, it’s just a choice. Make leftovers first. The secret is to pacing your meal is to make a leftovers plate, first. Come to the table, create a plate or Tupperware before you sit down the dinner meal. Wrap this plate to enjoy the day after. Now you have no reason to overeat; all your favorite foods are to be eaten on day 2. Sit down to dinner and pace yourself on you favorite fixings, stopping when you are full. Food does not have the same taste when we are full, so its best to wait and enjoy your leftover plate the day after.
- Sit, savor and hydrate: One meal with more sugar and or saturated fat will not affect your overall long-term health, however it may give you a food hangover. To prevent the food hangover, eat slowly, savor and drink plenty of water.
- Mix and match the fats:Save the saturated fats for the gravy, stuffing and desserts. Choose the anti-inflammatory fats like olive oil and nuts for dressing your veggies and building flavor.
- Season plants with plants:Thanksgiving is best holiday to focus on eating earth’s rainbow. Think fresh carrots roasted with thyme and parsley. Brussel Sprouts simmered in miso paste and a tiny bit of honey. Toast almonds to cover green beans. Serve salad with crunchy pomegranate seeds and pumpkin seeds. Think about adding turmeric or cumin to cauliflower. Basically, season with plants with plants.
- Set yourself up with structure: Follow your normal schedule, eating breakfast and lunch. Enjoy your appetizers around snack time and Thanksgiving meal as your dinner. Make the choice to eat moderately so you feel good when you wake up Friday ready for the holiday season. Don’t worry about what you are eating instead focus on how much and be sure to taste your food.