EMPOWHER Yoga Class At the L’ifestyle Lounge, Closter, NJ
Ages 11-14 years old
For tweens and teens wanting to develop a healthy relationship with food and body. This class is a moving meditation on the yoga mat while teaching girls to accept their mind/body and honor its’ cue’s off the mat. Two sessions will include mindful eating and nutrition by a Laura Cipullo Whole Nutrition and L’ifestyle Lounge Registered Dietitian. Think compassion and kindness!
Register for Tuesdays from 4:45 pm-5:45 pm.
Ages 15-18 years old
To empower young women and help them develop a healthy relationship with food and body. This semester-long class is a moving meditation on and off the yoga mat, teaching body acceptance and mindfulness. Two sessions include mindful eating and nutrition education by a staff dietitian. Think compassion and kindness!
Register for Tuesdays from 6:00 pm-7:00 pm.
Prices $145.00 4 weeks $275.00 8 weeks $420.00 for 14 weeks
To sign up go to https://bit.ly/2powmG5 or LifestyleLounge@LauraCipullo.com